Pagan Holidays and the Wheel of the Year
Around the world and throughout time the same days have been honored throughout the year. These days mark the transitions in the seasons and the changes in the energy. There are 8 days that mark these changes and they have many names; however, they allow us to connect with the different aspects of nature and the earths cycle.
These days go by many names as you travel around the world. Many of which are dependent on the area they come from and the weather of the time. This is where there comes to be much confusion when we begin to learn about the holidays. Midsummer and Midwinter are both used to describe the summer and winter solstices respectively, even though they are the start of these seasons. If you look historically at the places that use Midsummer and Midwinter this way you can see that they have much longer “winters” and “summers”, not related to the solar calendar and our modern seasons. These naming confusions can be seen again and again and to simplify things we have labeled the holidays according to the modern seasons; we have included their most common traditional names for reference. When it comes to honoring these days, the name is not the significance, it is the energy these days carry and connecting with the Earths natural cycles. Also keep in mind that the holidays in the northern hemisphere are opposite those in the southern. When spring starts in Norway it is autumn in Australia.
Dec./June 19-22
March/Sep. 19-22
June/Dec. 19-22
Sep./March 19-22
Feb./Aug. 1-3
May 1 / Oct 31
Aug./Feb 1-3
Oct 31 / May 1
Winter Solstice
December 19th-23nd in the Northern Hemisphere
June 19th-23nd in the Southern Hemisphere
The longest night of the year marks the turning of the wheel from death to life. Divine Rebirth and new beginnings are celebrated. This night marks the returning Sun as the days will now begin to grow longer. Ironically this also starts winter when much of nature goes into hibernation, turning inward and focusing on restoring fertility.
When working in harmony with nature’s energy this is the time to recharge and focus on applying all you learned in the previous year. Enjoy the rewards of all the work you completed, take pride in your achievements. Let go of the things that did not work, making way for new growth. The focus on the work done now is on internal rejuvenation.
- Alcyone
- Apollo
- Blader
- Bona Dae
- Brighid
- Cailleach Bheur
- Demeter
- Diana
- Dionysus
- Frau Holle
- Freya
- Frigga
- Gaea
- Hodr
- Horus
- La Befana
- Lugh
- Mithras
- Odin
- Ra
- Saturn
- Sol
- The Divine Mother & Child
- The Oak King
- The Spider Women
- Earth
- Red
- Gold
- Green
- Silver
- White
Stones Minerals Metals
- Bloodstones
- Diamonds
- Emeralds
- Garnets
- Hemimorphite
- Lemon Quartz
- Lepidolite
- Rubies
- Sun Stone
- Unakite
- Bayberry
- Blessed Thistle
- Cinnamon
- Evergreen
- Frankincense
- Holly
- Laurel
- Mistletoe
- Oak
- Pine
- Poinsettias
- Sage
- Yellow Cedar
- Goose
- Goat
- Reindeer
Magick at this time is ideal for new beginnings and future planning. Divination can illuminate your path with divine intentions. This is a time for spells of renewal and developing psychic awareness. This is a good time for healing the spirit and physical self through relaxation, meditation, and finding internal balance. We assess our goals of the past year, check off what was completed, and update goals. Use this time to take what you have learned and apply it to your future goals.
February 2nd in the Northern Hemisphere
August 1st in the Southern Hemisphere
It is now that we begin to see the first signs of spring coming and the decline of winter. The Goddess is rejuvenated from her birth, and her energy transforms to that of the Maiden. The God is growing strong which is felt in the growing length of the days. It is time for a celebration to make way for spring and welcome the changes occurring underground.
The energy now is that of feminine, youth, and new beginnings. It is a stored energy that represents the preparations behind-the-scenes required for new beginnings and the coming of spring. It is also a hopeful energy, as it is a time of looking forward and putting energy toward the future.
- Aenghus Og
- Arachne
- Arianrhod
- Artio
- Attar
- Audhumla
- Baldur
- Bast
- Bhearra
- Blaize
- Bragi
- Branwen
- Bride
- Brigid
- Brynhild
- Cailleach
- Cailleach Ullr
- Cardea
- Cerridwen
- Dahud
- Dainichi
- Diancecht
- Dumuzi
- Eir
- Februa
- Februus
- Frayr
- Frimia
- Gaia
- Illapa
- Inanna
- Kebehut
- Laufey
- Llapa
- Lucina
- Mengloth
- Nut
- Osiris
- Rindr
- Selene
- Skadi
- Tlaloc
- Earth
- Fire
- Burrowing Animals
- Deer
- Groundhog
- Robin
- Sheep (lamb, ewe)
- Swallow
- Swan
- Vulture
- Wolf
Stones Minerals Metals
- Amethyst
- Bloodstone
- Clear Quartz
- Garnet
- Moonstone
- Onyx
- Ruby
- Turquoise
- Angelica
- Ash Tree (rowan)
- Basil
- Bay
- Laurel
- Blackthorn
- Cedar
- Celandine
- Chamomile
- Clover
- Coltsfoot
- Dill
- Evergreen
- Frankincense
- Ginger
- Grain & reed stocks
- Hibiscus
- Iris
- Jasmine
- Myrrh
- Rosemary
- Sandalwood
- Sycamore
- Tansy
- Violet
- Willow
- White
- Orange
- Red
- Silver
- Fresh Green
- Pink
Magick at this time is ideal for new beginnings and future planning. Divination can illuminate your path with divine intentions. This is a time for spells of renewal and developing psychic awareness. This is when we assess the goals of the past year and check off what was completed and update goals. Use this time to take what you have learned and apply it to your future goals.
Spring Equinox
March 19th-22nd in the Northern Hemisphere
September 19th-22nd in the Southern Hemisphere
Day and night are of equal length, and the Earth is bursting with fertility. The Goddess and God are both full of excited fertility, and ready to spread it throughout the land. People throughout time have celebrated this day as a time of new beginnings, welcoming the return of warmth!
The energy between Masculine and Feminine are equal at this time. They are both full of lusting energy spreading their fertile energy throughout the Earth. Animals and plants are buzzing with new possibilities. You can tap into this energy and find motivation to do just about anything.
- Adonis
- Aphrodite
- Artemis
- Asase Ya
- Astarte
- Athena
- Attis
- Austro
- Coatlicue
- Cybele
- Diana
- Eos
- Eostre
- Flora
- Freyja
- Gaia
- Hera
- Idunn
- Ishtar
- Isis
- Juno
- Minerva
- Asase Ya
- Oden
- Ostara
- Pan
- Persephone
- Quetzalcoatl
- Saraswati
- The Dagda
- The Green Man
- Venus
- Vesta
- Earth
- Air
- Cormorant
- Hare
- Hawk
- Rabbit
- Sheep
- Ram
- Snake
- Sparrow
- Swallow
Stones Minerals Metals
- Aquamarine
- Rose quartz
- Moonstone
- Ash
- Birch
- Daffodil
- Dandelions
- Gorse
- Honeysuckle
- Jasmine
- Lily
- Maple
- Rose
- Rose of Jericho
- Spring flowers
- Violet
- Yew
- Yellow
- Light Green
- Pale Pink
- Light Blue
Magick at this time is all about new beginnings, growth, fertility, and balance. Eggs are a large part of the celebration and are great for any sympathetic magick at this time. Magickal gardens are planned and started, blessed and in some areas started with the blessings of this day. Fertility and prosperity magick are especially potent at this time.
High Spring
Beltane, Roodmas, May Day
May 1st in the Northern Hemisphere
November 1st in the Southern Hemisphere
High Spring falls half way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, or 40 days after the Equinox. For many this holiday begins when the Moon rises on the Eve of May 1st and lasts up to a week. This is a time of great fruitfulness and fertility. Sexual energy fills the air and we begin to see the early signs of fertility at work.
The agricultural season has begun and the Earth is in full bloom. The blossoming of the world around us is evidence that we live in a world of plenty. Vitality and passion are strong and the energy is very productive.
- Aphrodite
- Artemis
- Diana
- Athena
- Baal
- Bacchus
- Balder
- Belinos
- Bona Dea
- Bes
- Cernunnos
- Creiddylad
- Cupid
- Cybele
- Danu
- Dôn
- Eros
- Faunus
- Flora
- Freya
- Freyer
- Green Man
- Hera
- Kokopelli
- Maia
- Oden
- Ogun
- Pan
- Priapus
- Rhea
- Rhiannon
- Sheila-Na-Gig
- Venus
- Xochiquetzal
- Air
- Bee
- Butterfly
- Cattle
- Caterpillar
- Cow
- Goat
- Rabbit
- Robin
Stones Minerals Metals
- Beryl
- Bloodstone
- Emerald
- Garnet
- Malachite
- Rose Quartz
- Sapphire
- Tourmaline
- Green
- Orange
- Yellow
- Red
- Ash
- Angelica
- Bluebell
- Cider
- Cinquefoil
- Daisy
- Elder
- Fir
- Frankincense
- Gorse
- Hawthorn
- Hazel
- Herda
- Honeysuckle
- Ivy
- Juniper
- Landen
- Lilac
- Marsh
- Marigold
- Meadowsweet
- Mesquite
- Mushroom
- Oak
- Poplar
- Primrose
- Rowan
- Sweet Woodruff
- Sycamore
- Willow
Prosperity and fertility are strong at this time, and therefore now is the ideal time to do magick asking for a gain. Jumping over the bonfire is popular in many cultures. As you leap over the fire you ask for what it is you want. There is no better time for couples to make the leap together to ask for a baby. Babies are not the only thing asked for at this time, any new gain would be appropriate.
Summer Solstice
Litha, Midsummer
June 19th—23rd the Northern Hemisphere
December 19th—23rd in the Southern Hemisphere
This is when the Sun reaches its zenith in the sky, and seems to stand still. The word Solstice comes from the Latin word ‘solstitium’ literally translating to ‘Sun stands still’. You can see the sign of their blending love as the Earth is in full bloom, lush with growth. This day is not only celebrated as the height of the Gods virility but also when the Gods energy shifts from growing to waning. It is a reminder that everything that grows also grows old and eventually all will pass as the wheel of the year turns.
During the Summer Solstice, we are surrounded by full active energy. This is a time of action, hard work, and celebrating achievements. This is also a time of changes, endings, and manifestation.
- Amaterasu
- Apollo
- Aten
- Balder
- Dagda
- Epona
- Green Man
- Helios
- Hestia
- Horus
- Huitzi-lopochtli
- Juno
- Loki
- Lugh
- Mithras
- Oak King
- Pan
- Phoebe
- Ra
- Sulis
- Minerva
- Sunna or Sol
- Surya
- Thor
- Ukko
- Vesta
- Zeus
- Fire
- Cattle
- Horse
- Crab
- Octopus
- Goldfinch
- Kingfisher
- Meadowlark
- Owl
- Robin
- Wren
Stones Minerals Metals
- Diamond
- Emerald
- Jade
- Jasper
- Lapis Lazuli
- Tiger’s eye
- Yellow
- Red
- Orange
- Gold
- Bright Blue
- Lush Green
- Calendula
- Beech
- Carnation
- Chamomile
- Daisy
- Elder
- Elderflower
- Fern
- Galangal
- Heather
- Heliotrope
- Holly
- Honeysuckle
- Ivy
- Laurel
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Lemon
- Lily
- Linden
- Mistletoe
- Mugwort
- Myrrh
- Oak
- Pine
- Rose
- Saffron
- St. John’s Wort
- Vervain
- Wild Thyme
- Wisteria
- Yarrow
The Sun’s energy is at its height and lends itself to any magick. This is a night to celebrate love and fertility. The energy of commitment is strong and this is a traditional time of weddings as well as commitment ceremonies to the Gods.
Early Harvest
Lammas, Lughnasadh
August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere
February 2nd in the Southern Hemisphere
Wheat and other early grains are ready for harvest, the Earth is ripe, the Goddess is growing round with her pregnancy, and the God is strong but showing signs of his decline. The Goddess both mourns the thought of her husband’s coming death and rejoices with the growing child in her womb. The ground is hot and nature’s energy is focused on finishing her cycle.
The energy is shifting. Plants are going to seed, fruits and early veggies are ready for harvest, and the Earth is rich with bounty. Energies all over the world are in transition. The energy is that of rejoicing as the hot days of summer come to an end, and the fresh foods of the harvest are available.
- Adonis
- Aine
- Ceres
- Corn Mother
- Demeter
- Dumuzi
- Ereshkigal
- Freyr
- Frigg
- Inanna
- Ishtar
- Kore
- Lugh
- Oden
- Persephone
- Salus
- Tailtiu
- Gold
- Yellow Lush Green
- Reddish-brown
- Purple
- Fire
- Cattle
- Horse
- Crab
- Octopus
- Goldfinch
- Kingfisher
- Meadowlark
- Owl
- Robin
- Wren
Stones Minerals Metals
- Carnelian
- Citrine
- Yellow Diamond
- Peridot
- Acacia
- Acorns
- All Grains
- Aloes
- Apple
- Blackberries
- Brambleberries
- Crab Apples
- Ginseng
- Gorse
- Grapes
- Hazel
- Heather
- Meadowsweet
- Myrtle
- Oak
- Pears
- Rose
- Rowan
- Sage
- Sandalwood
Seeds are saved from the foods consumed in ritual and are used to sprout magickal plants in the next spring. It is also traditional to make a wicker man at this time. In ancient times it is said they were giant men made of wood, however in modern times they are small men made of wood, reeds, and willows. Once complete give all your bad habits to this little man, and throw him in the bonfire and rid yourself of them.
Autumn Equinox
September 21-24 in the Northern Hemisphere
March 19-22 in the Southern Hemisphere
This is the transition from the light to the dark half of the year. On this day the Earth and Sun are aligned so that day and night are equal. This, like the Spring Equinox, is a grand shift in the Earth’s energy. The days begin to shorten and the temperature begins to decline. The plants and animals complete their cycles and preparations for winter. Over the next month or so the God spends the last of his days with the living. The Goddess is ripe with child and is excited for the new life to come. This is a time of giving thanks and celebrating with a grand feast and merriment with family and friends.
The energy at this time is focused on balance and harmony. Duality and opposites find harmony in perfect balance: masculine and feminine, light and dark., day and night, internal and external. It
- Akibimi
- Anapurna
- Cessair
- Bacchus
- Dionysus
- Dumuzi
- Epona
- Green Man
- Harmonia
- Hermes
- The Holly King
- Haurun
- Horned God
- Hotei
- Iacchus
- Inanna
- Ishtar
- Kore
- Lilitu
- Madron
- Mama Allpa
- Morgan
- The Muses
- Nikkal
- Ningal
- Ninkasi
- Orcus
- Persephone
- Pomona
- Rennutet
- Sin
- Thoth
- Thor
- Snake Woman
- Sophia
- Sura
- Dog
- Hawk
- Swallow
- Swan
- Wild Goose
- Wolf
Stones Minerals Metals
- Agate
- Amethysts
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sapphire
- Yellow Topaz
- Orange
- Brown
- Dark Gold
- Yellow
- Maroon
- Violet
- Blue
- Russet
- Harvest Colors
- Aspen
- Aster
- Benzoin
- Blackberry
- Bramble
- Cedar
- Chrysanthemum
- Ferns
- Ivy
- Hazel
- Honeysuckle
- Locust
- Maple
- Myrtle
- Oak
- Marigold
- Milkweed
- Passionflower
- Rose
- Sage
- Solomon’s Seal
- Tobacco
- Thistle
- Fire
- Earth
Magic around this time is associated with giving thanks and balance. Many practices include corn, wheat, apples, and other harvest traditions. It is a time to give thanks and honor our ancestors. It is also a time to acknowledge growth and the change that has occurred in the past year. The energy of this time lends itself well to spells surrounding giving thanks, the Cornucopia, blessing corn dollies, and recognizing that which we have.
Last Harvest
Samhain, Halloween
October 31st in the Northern Hemisphere
May 1st in the Southern Hemisphere
The Earth is finishing its transition into autumn, preparing for winter and the dormant time. This is a time when death and the end of cycles are clear and a central part of the celebration throughout many cultures. The Goddess is ripe with her pregnancy but knows in order for new life to begin one must end. On this night the masculine energy of the Divine dies and enters a cycle of regeneration to be reborn again on the Winter Solstice. This is a remorseful time however, it is also a time to rejoice over the memories of loved ones and to honor the lives of those who have passed.
The energy at this time is a final energy. The end of the cycle, the end of the Harvest, and a time associated with death, rest, and renewal. Again this is not a time of sadness but of rejoice and a time to take stock of all we have and who we are. The end of one cycle simply means another one will begin with new opportunities.
- Cerridwen
- Anubis
- Arianrhod
- Baba Yaga
- Beansidhe (Banshee)
- Bran
- Cailleach Beara
- Cernunnos
- Death Gods
- Freya
- Hecate
- Hel
- Herne the Hunter
- Horned God
- Inanna
- Ishtar
- Isis
- Kali
- Lilith
- Meng Po
- Morrigan
- Morrighan
- Nephthys
- Odin
- Osiris
- Oya
- Persephone
- Pomona
- Rhiannon
- Tlazoteotl
- Yama
- Water
- Earth
- Wolf
- Dog
- Spider
- Bat
- Boar
- Cat
- Cattle
- Owl
Stones Minerals Metals
- Agate
- Amethysts
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sapphire
- Yellow Topaz
- Bloodstone
- Carnelian
- Jet
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Smoky Quartz
- Allspice
- Angelica
- Benzoin
- Bittersweet
- Broom
- Catnip
- Copal
- Deadly Nightshade
- Dittany
- Garlic
- Heather
- Heliotrope
- Mandrake
- Mint
- Mugwort
- Mullein
- Nutmeg
- Oak leaves
- Patchouli
- Reed
- Resina
- Sage
- Sandalwood
- Straw
- Sweetgrass
- Witch Hazel
- Wormwood
Magick at this time is said to be the strongest of the year. It is a time for change and divination. This is a good night for magick of all kinds including but not limited to candle magick, astral projection, past life work, mirror spells, casting protection, inner work, clearing obstacles, uncrossing or removing a hex, inspiration, bringing transitions to culmination, manifesting transformation, creative visualization, ouija, séances, and trance possession.

Find them all in one place!
Throughout the pages of this book of shadows you will find the 8 celestial days, their meaning, energy, correspondence, and magickal properties. Plus lined journal pages for you to include your own notes, thoughts, and traditions.