The Planets and their Retrograde

 As the planets move through their orbits, we see them from time to time moving backwards through the sky; their retrograde. This is a time when the influence of their energy shifts and many feel this in their day-to-day life. Some are familiar with these aspects and plan for them, some don’t notice this energy is even there.  Others acknowledge that there is a change happening but really have no idea where the influence is coming from.  There is a final category of people who see the retrograde as an optical illusion and feel it has no influence on them.  And yes, the view we see of the planets moving backwards is only an illusion, they never change direction. However, the question lies in this, is all which we see from Earth is an optical illusion created by the refraction of light over billions of miles?  Each person makes the choice if they recognize the influence of these astrological energies, or not. For a better understanding of these energies, here is a simple reference for the meaning of each planet’s retrograde.

Mercury goes into retrograde on average three times a year for about three weeks at a time.  This is a time when there is a breakdown in communication, and many find that there are suddenly challenges all over their lives.  Also at this time people tend to go over and over situations, sometimes to a point of unnecessary frustration.  This retrograde causes communication to be disrupted, so much for some that misunderstandings are frequent and it can be difficult to convey messages. It is not recommended to travel during this time.  You may also find that at this time technology and machinery seem to be slower and prone to glitches.

Venus does not go into retrograde as often, occurring only every 18 months, however it lasts for 40 days.  During this time, people tend to observe difficulties in their relationships and also in their finances.  This is a time when we will feel encouraged to examine our romantic relationships and re-determine their value. At this time, people’s suppressed feelings will come into true light, and things that we once found ourselves to be very passionate about seem to lose all importance. Some may find that during this time they wish to seek new desires.  This can be due to feeling a lack of emotional fulfillment.

Mars is one that we do not often see go into retrograde because it only happens every two years and stays there for about two months. Mars rules over the physical expression of needs and emotions.  This is the planet of war and can often bring anger when in retrograde.  People tend to be short-tempered and quick to jump to conclusions during this time. It can cause people to also turn inwards and go through periods of self-doubt. This is a time when you may feel prone to accidents and when we are reminded to slow down and not let the fire of Mars burn us out.

Jupiter only goes into retrograde about once a year and it lasts for about four months. Jupiter is one of the social planets. It is connected to our spirituality and our connection to other people. Jupiter in retrograde can cause you to examine the behavior of the people who are around you and determine if they really fit into your life.  This is also a time when one’s ethics and spiritual beliefs are put into question, and people feel a need to seek their personal higher truth. Like Mercury’s retrograde, this is not a time when travel is recommended.

Saturn, like Jupiter, goes into retrograde once a year and it stays there for about four and a half months. Saturn is the other social planet and is one of reflection. When it goes into retrograde, this is a time when we feel encouraged to examine our opinions and beliefs. This is also a time when we are reminded to slow down and focus on what it is we are doing, and what its consequences will be.  With Saturn being the planet ruling over motivation and planning, when it goes into retrograde this can be a time when we feel our plans just don’t go right.

Uranus is in retrograde for about five months out of every year. Is it is a slow-moving steady planet, and its influence is over goals and motivation. When this planet goes into retrograde, surprises abound. This is a time when we should expect the unexpected and find that we tend to be a little whimsical in our planning. This can be a time when we find our wild side coming out, and our inner child seeking an outlet.  For those who are outgoing or extroverts, this can be a time of shyness.

Neptune is in retrograde for about five months out of every year, like Uranus. This is a time when our logic seems to go haywire and we are driven by our intuition. Dreams seem to be more vivid and our psychic abilities seem to be heightened.

Pluto, as well, is in retrograde for about five months out of the year, and brings an energy of change. This is the time of beginnings and endings, and reevaluating the importance of the things we are doing. We may feel as though we are being pushed forward into a new change, however, this is a reminder that change is the only thing that is constant.